Randall Gene Young

State: California
Locations: Los Padres National Forest
Date Missing: 04-28-2010
DOB: 11-01-1958
Age: 51
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Current Status: Unsolved

Young was last seen in San Luis Obispo County, California on April 28, 2010. He left for a camping trip at Plaskett Creek Campground in the Los Padres National Forest and was expected to return a few days later, but never did.

When his friends went to the campsite to check on him, they found all his belongings missing. Young’s truck was parked on Highway 1 south of the campground, and the white kayak he’d brought with him was gone. The kayak was later found on Sand Dollar Beach, along with four oars.

An extensive search of the area turned up no sign of Young and his case remains unsolved.


Kaylene Marie Gallegos


Katherine Anne Truitt