Maria Pomona Estrada

State: California
Locations: Mojave National Preserve
Date Missing: 06-07-2008
Age: 78
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 128 lbs
Current Status: Unsolved

Maria Estrada became separated from her 64-year-old male hiking companion in a section of the Mojave National Preserve about 40 miles northwest of Needles. Estrada and her companion separated at a fork in the trail to look for their vehicle, which they both thought was located in different directions. When Estrada did not return as promised, her companion began searching on his own but waited until the following day to report her missing.

About 22 searchers from the sheriff's department and the park service covered the canyon, along with search dogs and a county helicopter, but did not locate her. Estrada, who is from the Philippines, had been staying with family in Blythe. She was last seen wearing a white long-sleeved blouse, denim shorts, white tennis shoes and a denim San Luis Obispo cap, according to a report from the National Parks Service. She was not carrying food or water.



Ronald Scott Gray


David Michael Burney