Kieran Burke

State: California
Locations: Curry Village, Yosemite National Park
Date Missing: 04-05-2000
DOB: 07-06-1955
Age: 44
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Current Status: Unsolved

Burke was a resident of Rothfamham, Dublin, Ireland in 2000. He traveled to San Francisco, California for a two-week vacation in April 2000. Burke reserved a hotel room near Yosemite National Park from April 4 through April 6. His family said he is adventurous and an experienced hiker.

Burke was last seen in the Yosemite Valley at Curry Village on April 5. He was on a day hike at the time. He has never been heard from again. His rental car was discovered parked in the Curry Village parking lot, but there was no sign of Burke at the scene. He may have been carrying a camera at the time of his disappearance.

The search for Burke did not begin until April 11, six days after he was last seen. An extensive search of the park produced no evidence as to his whereabouts. His case remains unsolved.


Justin Lee Richardson


John Cameron Reece