Jonathan Aujay

State: California
Locations: Devil’s Punch Bowl, Angeles National Park
Date Missing: 06-11-1998
DOB: 10-12-1959
Age: 38
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Current Status: Unsolved

Aujay went for a day hike in the Devil’s Punchbowl area of the Angeles National Forest on June 11, 1998. He never returned. The Devil’s Punchbowl is a remote park on the north slope of the San Gabriel Mountains.

Aujay was a deputy at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department at the time of his disappearance. He had been employed with the department for fifteen years by 1998. He is a long-distance runner, a skilled outdoors man and an experienced hiker who hiked in the San Gabriel Mountains about once a week. An extensive search involving two helicopters, thirty people and at least two bloodhounds failed to find any trace of him, other than some footprints in the snow near Mount Baden-Powell. The search was called off after a week. Aujay left behind a wife and a young daughter when he disappeared.

For unspecified reasons, investigators believed that Operation Silent Thunder, a two-year undercover methamphetamine operation in the Antelope Valley area, might uncover evidence about Aujay’s disappearance. No clues were found, though, and he remains missing. Aujay’s case remains unsolved.


Carl Herbert Landers


David Barclay Miller