Michael Allen McKenney

State: Ohio
Locations: Hudson Woods State Park
Date Missing: 05-23-2020
Age: 22
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 130 LBS
Current Status: Unsolved

McKenney was last seen in Fairfield Township, Ohio; he was last heard from on May 23, 2020. At the time of his disappearance, he was living with his aunt and her family, after being discharged from a halfway house. He has never been heard from again. The next day, McKenney's recently purchased car and was found at a bird sanctuary in Hueston Woods State Park in Preble County, Ohio. His cellular phone and tablet were still inside it.

According to McKenney's aunt, he had an unexplained sore on his neck just prior to his disappearance, and she had confronted him about it, suspecting he had relapsed and was using drugs again. He had also borrowed money from one sibling and asked another one to give him money. It's possible that he overdosed or that his disappearance was otherwise drug-related. Police stated two of the possible suspects in McKenney's disappearance are now dead. His case remains unsolved.


Nathan Issiac Campbell


Enrique Roman Martinez