Corey Fay

State: Oregon
Locations: Badger Creek Wilderness - Oregon
Date Missing: 11-23-1991
Age: 17
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A
Current Status: Remains Found

17-year-old, Corey Fay, was a student at the Jesuit High School in Beaverton, Oregon. On 23 November 1991, he agreed to go elk hunting with a friend of his Dad’s Mark Maupin and probably Mark’s son, in the region west of the Tygh Valley, on the fringe of the Badger Creek Wilderness in Oregon. Corey’s father, the owner of the Northwest investment cars showroom, decided not to accompany them on the trip that day. He would never be seen alive again.

Over a year later, his remains were found 10 miles away from their vehicle, and up a steep slope in an area with waist-deep snow at the time of the disappearance.

Source: Strange Outdoors


Ramona Lynn Fey


Keith Reinhard